Tuesday, April 15, 2008


"Be ye holy; for I am holy" (1 Peter 1:16).

THOUGHT: (by Gloria Copeland)
When Max, our grandson, started kindergarten, he had quite an
awakening. Max is the youngest in his family and is used to being
pampered by his three big sisters. So he was very surprised to find
out that in kindergarten, he wasn't the center of attention. He was
especially distressed to discover he was actually expected to sit

For the first few weeks, Max just didn't seem to be able to do it.
He got in trouble again and again. One day, his mother was talking
to him about it, and he threw his hands up in desperation, "I'm doing
the best I can."

"Well, Max, that's not good enough," his mother replied. "You are
going to have to do better."

In all exasperation with his mother, Max said, "I told you,
I'm doing the best I can!"

Within a few weeks, Max grew tired of having to stay on the sidewalk
during recess (that's the consequence for misbehaving in his class),
and he discovered he could indeed do better.

I think about Max many times when God is dealing with me about some
area of dedication and consecration. Max has ruined the old
excuse, "Lord, I'm doing the best I can!" Now I say to
myself, "Gloria, you're just doing the best you want to do!"

That's the way it's been with the Church in general. When it comes to
being holy, and laying aside sin, we haven't done all we know to do.
We've just done what we wanted to do. We may have put away what we
considered to be major sins and even many minor sins, but there are
worldly hindrances we've held on to because our flesh enjoys them.

When God tells us to make a change, we must obey. We have entered the
last of the last days...and we have to become obedient. We have to
become holy.

We can't feed on the garbage of the world and at the same time be
separated to God, fit for any good work (2 Tim. 2:21).

I realize this makes your flesh uncomfortable...but we're told to
crucify our flesh (Romans 8:13). We're to cleanse ourselves and
consecrate ourselves to God (2 Cor. 6:14-7:1). God has cleansed us on
the inside, now it's our responsibility to let our born-again spirit
have dominion.

When you do that, then you can say truthfully, "I'm doing the best I
can!" And God will be pleased.

CONFESSION: I am holy for God is holy. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

For Further Study: 1 Cor. 6:9-20

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